Monday, June 10, 2013

It's been since January 2012 since I logged into this blog site and posted. I didn't even finish the last entry. I stopped in mid sentence. Ha!

I'm not even sure I know how much I weighted at that point. If I find a number, I should record it so that I can refer to it someday. I know I started at 415-ish. I was at 398 when I started working at Univera in October of 2011. This morning, I weighed in at 264.2. I've been within 10 pounds of 275 for about a year, and it's getting SO old. But I think I'v... I KNOW I've broken the plateau. I just have to keep at it. And really, It actually has become more about feeling great and keeping myself healthy. Right now on my desk I see carrots, celery, broccoli, apricots, and an apple. This is fuel.

I had an epiphany sometime last month. I realized I am becoming the person I want to be. I know who I am and where I want to go with my life. I want to improve my financial situation so that I will not have to worry about paying the necessities and I would like to be able to have entertainment and clothing without worry of going broke, but other than that, things are nearly how I'd want them.

I've gotten my tattoos figured out. I'm going to get the sunflower to cover my shoulder first. I've been trying to add money to the jug, but it's slow going. Here are the tattoos:

Upper right arm: (cover) Sunflower
Left lower leg: (cover) Vines and leaves - one leaf for ever 10 pounds I've lost and I'll add them until I hit my goal fitness.
Inside of lower left arm: Starfleet insignia
Right foot outside: Text - Food = Fuel
Back of the neck: Oxygen atom
Above the knee: (was originally left, now contemplating right) Text - Casey's handwriting "Eat real food - Move around a lot - Lift heavy things"

Things I am thrilled that I have moved beyond:
Having difficulty getting up the stairs
Being afraid to go on a long walk ("long" being 1/2 a mile at my worst)
Not being able to find clothing in normal stores (or even fat girl stores at my heaviest)
Not being able to breathe
Sleep apnea
Not being able to bend down to tie my shoes
Not being able to admit that I like food
Not fitting into seats (car, restaurant, theater, airplane, etc.)
Limited intimate positions

Things I am THRILLED that I can do:
Walk FAR
Have better sex
Climb!!! (I climbed rocks on Saturday at Burfoot and it felt GREAT)
Wear cute clothes

I can add to this list later I'm sure (if I have the time and gumption).

I love me. And I deserve to treat me with respect and keep me healthy.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

I'm writing a blog. I should have been doing this all along, but I haven't. I'd love to blame it on not having enough time, but really, I just haven't made it a priority.

The reason I say that I should have been doing this is because I would like to have had a running chronicle of my weight loss. I